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Wayne the Whooping Crane

Wayne the Whooping Crane

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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Wayne the Whooping Crane is a high-quality stuffed animal, made of soft cotton and polyster, and stuffed with cotton filler. Proudly displayed standing tall, this crane is perfect for children and adults alike who are passionate about wildlife and conservation.

Product size : 30cm (11.8in) tall
Product weight : 8 oz

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  • satisfaction guarantee icon - a checkmark in a medal


    Snugglebug offers a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee - if you don't love your Snugglebug stuffed animal for any reason within 60 days, we will gladly refund, replace or exchange it for you.

  • an open box with a checkmark


    Snugglebug toys endure rigorous testing to ensure no harmful chemicals or heavy metals are present in our products. Our toys are also flame resistant and tested safe for toddlers and infants.

  • a box with a heart coming out


    Snugglebug provides a portion of every sale to its conservation partners, directly working to improve conservation and protection efforts of impacted species in the wild. Packaging for Snugglebug products is recycled and can be recycled again.

Whooping Crane wading through a marsh

The Whooping Crane needs our help

The Whooping Crane is in trouble. One of the planets' rarest birds, the Whooping Crane is a testament to the impact of conservation efforts - only a handful of birds remained in the wild in the mid-1900's, but numbers have steadily improved to over 500 today. This is due to captive breeding efforts, maintenance of the wetland areas in which they live, and efforts to teach young cranes how to migrate via aircraft guidance.

  • Endangered endangered status logo

    Endangered Scale Level

    Best available evidence indicates that the whooping crane is considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild, though numbers in the wild are increasing.

  • an icon showing an arrow pointing from southeast to northwest


    Whooping cranes can migrate over 2,500 miles a year between their breeding grounds in Canada and wintering grounds along the Gulf Coast of the US. They follow the same routes every year, using landmarks and environmental cues to navigate!

  • an image of a graph showing steadily increasing numbers

    Increasing Numbers

    Whooping crane populations had dwindled to no more than 15 individuals in the wild, making them at the time the most endangered bird species in the world. Today, their numbers continue to grow as the wild and captive populations improve.

  • icon of a whooping crane dancing

    Dancing Rituals

    Whooping cranes have a unique courtship ritual, an elaborate dance put on by the male cranes to attract a mate. The dance involves intricate movements and male cranes call out with a distinctive whooping sound, which gives them their name.

  • Whooping Crane Flocks

    There are a few wild flocks of whooping cranes, but only two are migratory in North America - one that migrates between Canada and Aransas Pass, Texas and one that migrates over Wisconsin (ICF NA headquarters) and Florida.

  • icon of two hands opened, reaching for a star above them


    Conservation activities of breeding cranes in captivity and releasing them (even teaching them how to migrate) have caused a dramatic improvement to the future of the whooping crane, but we must continue to fight for them and their habitats.

A whooping crane flying through the sky

How to help the Whooping Crane

Snugglebug has partnered with the International Crane Foundation, an organization focused on education and conservation of crane species across the globe. Each purchase of Wayne helps Snugglebug adopt members of the Whooping Crane flock and donate towards sponsorship of the cranes' needs, such as vet care, enrichment and safekeeping.

International Crane Foundation
  • blue logo for the International Crane Foundation, showing a crane by some water

    International Crane Foundation

    The International Crane Foundation supports conservation efforts across the globe for the world's 15 crane species and habitats, with boots on the ground across multiple continents.

    Snugglebug's recurring monthly donation as part of the Frequent Flyer Program ensures the ICF mission is furthered and growing every day of the year. Additionally, Snugglebug's adoption of a whooping crane ensures a cranes' needs are fulfilled all year long, from food and water to veterinary services and enrichment.

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